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Writing in a Gratitude Journal each day can help increase your overall wellbeing and happiness.

Use your journal to refocus on the multitude of positives in your life and create a wonderful treasure to reflect on as you navigate life. I have often looked back upon my old journals and been moved by the moments that meant so much to me and the love that I share in this beautiful time-space reality.

Gratitude helps us live in the present and see the beauty in everything. There is always something to be grateful for and expressing this appreciation changes your outlook in life for the better. Believe in the magic of gratitude and you’ll never look back.

Most of us lead busy lives and it can be easy to get caught up with day to day challenges. But in the midst of it all, there is always something to be grateful for. We spend time solving problems and overcoming obstacles, but how often do we take time out to celebrate the positives. This can be incorporated into your morning or nighttime routine or maybe while you are having dinner as a family, you would all like to start a new tradition like my family where we share what we are grateful for. Over the years it’s been so beautiful to watch our kids express themselves more freely and find many many things to be grateful for bringing the positives to the forefront of their minds before closing down the day.

What did you enjoy? What made you smile? It might be a person in your life that you’re grateful for or a moment you shared. It could simply be a great cup of coffee in the morning or watching beautiful clouds pass by. Let it remind you to enjoy the little things in life.

It takes 21 days to form a habit so make a conscious effort to stick at it for 21 days and then let expressing your gratitude become a part of your daily routine you look forward to.

A turning point for me over a decade ago was reading “The Magic” by Rhonda Byrne, you may like to try it x

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