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Need Some Help Looking on the Bright Side?


Do you consider yourself someone who looks on the bright side? It’s not always easy, but having a positive outlook on life definitely makes life easier.

I’m not saying that we should ignore our struggles or pretend that everything is perfect all the time, but having a positive mindset goes a long way! It is important to acknowledge difficult things and to feel our feelings, but we don’t want to get stuck there.

Here are five ways to shift your mindset if you are stuck in a rut of negativity (we’ve all been there):

1. Start a gratitude journal. Choose a time of day. First thing in the morning, right before bed, or both morning and evening are perfect times to do this! Write down three things you are grateful for (and why). I find that gratitude is a great way to shift my mood if I’m having a bad day. It’s also a perfect way to begin and end the day on a positive note.

2. Reframe negative thoughts. We all have worries and things that bother us. Try writing these things down and then reframe them into positive or empowering thoughts. Notice how you feel afterwards.

3. Focus on what you GOT done instead of what you didn’t get done. A “win journal” is a great way to get into this habit. The idea is to use your win journal to write down all the things you’ve accomplished (even the little things like brushing your teeth).

4. Compliment yourself! Write down 10 things you love about yourself. If this is too difficult, think of 10 things your family and friends would say they love about you.

5. Pay attention to the media you consume. There is so much negativity in the world these days. Turn off the news, and take a break from social media. Listen to and read positive and inspiring books, podcasts, and YouTube videos.

Next time you have a bad day try to remember a few of these tips and give them a try. It doesn’t always work instantly, but if you make positivity a part of your daily routine, you will start to see shifts in your mindset…and looking on the bright side might just come a bit easier for you!

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