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Feeling blah every day? Mamas, think about this.


If you’re reading this, it’s pretty likely you’re a mum too. So, I think it’s time we had a little chat about that iddy biddy feeling of ‘blah’ that some – not all, but, well, a lot – of mums feel while their kids are little.

I’ve spent a fair whack of my time as a mum feeling a bit blah. Unmotivated. Bored. Unfulfilled. (Gasp! Am I allowed to say that?)

Maybe you feel the same way. Like maybe the groundhog-day-ness of parenting small people just saps some of your energy and mojo.

To get totally straight-up honest, we just need to recognise that while some mums are 100 percent fulfilled by the role of being a mum, others aren’t. That doesn’t mean we love our kids less; it just means we need the elusive ‘something else’ to stop that blahness from clouding our days.

Becoming a mum means becoming someone new

Let’s take a bird’s-eye perspective here.

The change from independent, functioning adult who accomplishes things on a personal level every day, to stay-at-home mum who wipes bums, cleans endlessly and doesn’t sleep anymore, is a massive identity shift.

And while becoming a mum is wonderful and breaks open parts of your heart that you never knew existed, you can begin to feel lost.

It took a long time to work out what was going on with me; why I just didn’t feel like myself anymore, and where the lacklustre doldrums were coming from.

That little thing every mum needs

Here’s what it is, mamas: purpose. When we lack purpose, we lack passion and enthusiasm. Without purpose, we don’t get that excited, squishy feeling in our tummy in the morning that makes us want to bound out of bed to get the day started.

Yes, kids form part of our purpose. But, the reality is, I just don’t get that excited feeling in my tummy about making the 745th round of lunches and breakfasts anymore.

I do, however, get excited about the things I love. I love studying, so I enrolled in online nutrition courses. I started a side business. I joined a women’s business group. I started blogging. I started playing guitar again. I borrowed a bike and rode by myself on warm evenings.

I juggled all that around three kids, and I can tell you know, nothing shooed away the blah feeling faster than reigniting my personal purpose.

Purpose isn’t just fun…it’s fundamental

Setting goals for yourself on a personal, financial, spiritual or physical level is fundamental to that bounce-out-of-bed feeling. Often, it’s those goals and kick-butt achievements that are missing from the day-to day of motherhood.

Purpose in each day inspires and uplifts, and the beauty of being in that season of young motherhood is that we can follow our purpose alongside our role of caring for our kids.

In fact, modelling to your children that you can practice self-love as well as loving others, is an incredible gift.

Easy questions to ask yourself right now

What do you miss about your pre-kid life? What are the hobbies that you really love? What lights you up on the inside? If you could imagine your perfect day, what would you be doing? What would you love to learn more about, or teach others? Who would you love to partner with and start up a new venture or mission?

None of the answers to those questions need to involve your kids. This is all about you! When you set your purpose, you’re not putting your family second.

You’re just lighting that fire again.

There’s a very, very big chance that giving yourself permission to do something you love will make you a happier, more energetic, generous and flourishing mama.

Over to you: what’s going to light your fire again?

(And if you want to discover how Mummies on a Mission helped me on my journey check out our Ambassador page here:

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